Cyber Threat Intelligence
Oct 14, 2019

Our focus is on systematic curation, characterization, measurement, and forensics of cyber threat intelligence (e.g., malware samples, infection traces, natural language threat descriptions).

Birhanu Eshete
Principal Investigator
trustworthy machine learning, cybercrime analysis, and cyber threat intelligence.
Poirot: Aligning Attack Behavior with Kernel Audit Records for Cyber Threat Hunting
Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is being used to search for indicators of attacks that might have compromised an enterprise network for …
HOLMES: Real-time APT Detection through Correlation of Suspicious Information Flows
In this paper, we present a new approach for the detection of Advanced and Persistent Threats (APTs). Our approach is inspired by …
ProPatrol: Attack Investigation via Extracted High-Level Tasks
Kernel audit logs are a valuable source of information in the forensic investigation of a cyber attack. However, the coarse gran- …
SLEUTH: Real-time Attack Scenario Reconstruction from COTS Audit Data
We present an approach and system for real-time recon- struction of attack scenarios on an enterprise host. To meet the scalability and …